Wednesday, July 06, 2005


There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
Well, here there is.
I ran across a curios statistic the other day.
About 80% of children in this state are on the free or reduced lunch program.
That statistic just sounds wrong to me.

At local schools full price lunch is $1.60 and breakfast is $0.80. That's $2.40 per day. Not bad for two meals designated nutritious by the state.
If you figure a kid goes to school 22 days a month (30 days minus 4 weekends) that's $52.80 per month.
That's about what my cable bill is.
I don't know the statistic, but I'm pretty sure more than 20% of households in this state have cable.
This means that there are some sorry, bottom feeding pieces of shit out there that care more about their cable TV than feeding their children.
Some of you may be these sorry, bottom feeding pieces of shit and may be offended by this.
But, the way I figure, if you're gonna stick your little bastard's snout in the public trough so you can get ESPN, you deserve all the verbal abuse a taxpayer feels like dishing out.
I know there are people who genuinely need help to get by.
That's what these programs are for.
But, think how much better off we would all be if these sorry, bottom feeding pieces of shit would just turn off the TV and make their kids a peanut butter and jelly sandwich instead of teaching them how to suck on the government teat.


At 2:03 PM, Blogger Mommy Needs a Xanax said...

Damn right, bert! At the school where I'll be teaching in the fall, fully 97% are on the free lunch program. The other 3 are on the "reduced" lunch program.


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