Li’l ol’ Wholesome Nekid

This will, of course, lead to the end of the exotic dancing industry there.
1. Exotic dancers make most of their money from tips.
2. Owners of dance clubs can’t afford to pay their dancers much more than they already do.
3. Unless the money is there clubs can’t attract really premium ass.
4. Many customers will not come to watch cheap skank ass dance.
5. The kind of customers who will show up to watch cheap skank ass dance are the kind of lowlifes you don’t want in your community.
6. The cheap skank ass that will dance for low lifes are almost always whores.
7. Most cheap skank ass whores use either crack, or crystal meth.
8. Where the cheap skank ass crack & meth whores are there are going to be crack & meth dealers along with the ancillary criminals, and their activities.
It is my contention that this new law will do more harm to the community than it will help.
What real harm does a lap dance do to the community? If a guy wants to stick a buck in a dancer’s g-string where is the damage to the body politic? Where in the Bible prohibition against ticklin’ a little bush?
Come on Seattle, it’s just a li’l ol’ good wholesome nekid.
Next thing ya’ know they’ll be outlawin’ the chicken wing. ;-)
Hi Bert,
I'm with you on this one. These are all consenting adults, let them go about their business.
yep. well, maybe except for the chicken wing. I still don't know what that is, and maybe I'm sick but in my imagination it raises questions about the possible alternative functions of armpits.
Bert, i feel compelled and qualified to comment here for two reasons:
#1) I actually danced at the club in Seattle that started this whole thing and can tell you that you are spot on (b/c i'm sure you doubted it). Truthfully though, the neighborhoods where the few strip clubs in Seattle are already havens for criminal activity of all sorts – I don’t think there is any danger of these neighborhoods going to hell in a handbasket. Except for that one that’s across the street from a funeral home/cemetary. Actually, that raises a whole other set of concerns.
#2) why would people in Seattle do this? People in Seattle are fucking weird man. I”ve lived here since 1987. They totally think they are all liberal and shit…but they’re very conservative and repressed about some odd things. A prime example of Seattle’s essential dichotomy: most people in Seattle would identify themselves as totally unpredujiced racially and accepting of all colors and creeds. BUT, all the non-asian minorities in Seattle live in one area – into w hich white people rarely go. Seattle is THE most racially segregated city I’ve ever lived in or visited. I’ve never been sure if this means the white people are afraid of this area (which is a totally fine area, BTW, no ghettoes or anything) b/c of the marked lack of honkies OR if the rests of seattle is so horrible for said minorities that they avoid it at all costs.
I hope this has provided you with a window into our collective emerald soul.
p.s. how the F did rebecca do that with her pictures? that's so cool.
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