Tuesday, October 11, 2005

If you knew Sushi like I know Sushi!

This post was inspired by a post & some comments on a friends blog. Thanks Ann & damnyankee.

Why Sushi is better than a girlfriend:

  1. It's cheaper.
  2. It’s more nutritious.
  3. They always bring you a hot towel before hand.
  4. Sushi doesn’t want to cuddle after.
  5. Sushi never gets jealous if you eat other sushi.
  6. You can eat sushi all month long.
  7. You can use chopsticks, or your fingers.
  8. The green stuff is tasty.
  9. You can have more than one kind at the same time.
  10. Sushi never wants to talk about your relationship.
  11. Sushi won’t follow you home after you eat it.
  12. You don’t have to get sushi drunk first.
  13. You never have to do anything just because.
  14. If you don’t have sushi for a few weeks, it’s still there when you want it.
  15. You know why sushi smells like fish.
  16. Sushi comes with a palate cleanser.
  17. Sushi doesn’t mind if you dip it in soy sauce.
  18. You’re never jealous of the guy who rolled it.
  19. Sushi never has a headache.
  20. Sushi always satisfies.
  21. Sushi never minds if you just pay & leave.
  22. You can eat sushi & drink beer at the same time.
  23. You can get a piece for $3.75.
  24. You don’t have to pretend to respect it after.
  25. You don’t have to take sushi out before you eat it.
  26. Sushi won’t get fat & wrinkly.
  27. Sushi can’t file a restraining order.
  28. Its easier to explain why your fingers smell funny.


At 12:42 AM, Blogger TC Byrd said...

#27 sushi would if sushi could.

At 5:44 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Bert,
Sitting here, eating my breakfast salad, I gagged at no.15. lol

No 28. Sushi never asks if it looks fat in this.



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