Monday, October 31, 2005

Deer Deer Deer

This Saturday I went to Wal-Mart.
I had to.
I didn’t have a choice.
While walking through the sporting goods area, I was confronted by a life-size, animated, rubber deer head, mounted on a plaque, and enthusiastically singing an old country & western tune.
This was the most terrifying thing that I have thus come across this Halloween season.
Not necessarily because Wal-Mart carried such an asinine object, but that there were enough people living around me that would buy such an abomination, that Wal-Mart would stock them. I’m sure that Wal-Mart spends considerable amounts of money on market research, etc.
This is what they came up with?
I don’t know if I should be offended that some research organization determined that Hattiespatch, MS was the kind of place that was deficient of REALLY stupid things to hang on our walls.
Perhaps this is some kind of test.
Maybe the government is marketing these trophy troubadours in some nefarious conspiracy. They could plant a chip in the deer’s head, and then track down the moron that bought the thing, and swoop in with one of their black helicopters in whisper mode, and pump some sort of gas into the purchaser’s house (or trailer) that would sterilize them, thus removing some of the pond scum from the gene pool.

Just a thought.


At 1:07 PM, Blogger TC Byrd said...

Bert, i'll bet that the majority of the folks that buy these are not Democrats. . . .


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