Friday, July 15, 2005

Morlocks Rule!

For the last several millennia our species has struggled its way to the top of the food chain. Beginning with a timid and fragile australopithecine named Lucy cowering in the Olduvai, we have advanced all the way to the apex of evolution. We are the zenith of creation. We have traveled to the moon and sent our mechanical minions to the far reaches of the cosmos. And here, from our perch on the penultimate step of the evolutionary ladder, we gaze down at our domain. From here we may kill, eat, domesticate, clothe, and adorn ourselves with any other living thing on the planet we choose.
Some argue that there are other intelligent species sharing our world. Bullshit. Has a chimp ever built a pyramid? Can a cat read a John McDonald novel? Dolphins can’t even figure out how to stay out of the damn tuna nets.
So, here we sit, the end result of evolutionary history. Yet, some humans , vegetarians, have decided to remove themselves from this exalted position. They refuse to consume their fellow terrestrials, in order that they might be more fair to, as well as being seen by others as being more compassionate to, all the fuzzy little critters. All fine and good, I want no unnessecary pain or discomfort to come to any other creature. Well cared for animals taste better and are more nutritious. Also, I am entirely in favor of environmental conservation. Large tracts of uncontaminated wilderness means more yummy animals to hunt down and kill. Besides, who knows what yummy little critters might be lost if we don’t thoroughly glean the rain forest before cutting it down for pulp. If you don’t believe in cutting timber, go a week without using paper. Recycling doesn’t count because you gotta cut it and use it before you can recycle it.
These vegetarians give no heed to the words of Benjamin Franklin "If you make yourselves sheep, the wolves will eat you." H. G. Wells covered this in "The Time Machine" where at the end of our evolution we divided into the separate species of Eloi & Morlocks. The Eloi were vegetarians and, well, we’ve all read the book. So, my proposal is that we designate the vegetarians, who have voluntarily removed themselves from the top of the food chain, as an alternative food source. It could change the whole meaning of "Veggie Burger". Although I’ve never eaten vegetarian I understand that they must be tender because they bruise so easily. Also, the bad smell can be removed by par boiling in a couple of changes of water much as one would treat a squirrel. The economies of some rural states could be improved by the promotion of hunting of herds of free range vegetarians. Excess vegetables no longer consumed by vegetarians, as well as other meat products displaced in the market place by vegetarian meat, could be sold cheaply to other less food rich countries. This could very well improve the economy as well as the political situation of the whole world. Not to mention the soft hairless leather goods that could be created from the skins and the benefits to medicine from the huge influx of donor organs. Why settle for a pig heart when you could have a vegetarian heart?
I understand that some my find suggestions distasteful. Some, especially vegetarians, may even be offended. If so, please be aware that my tongue is quite firmly in my cheek (and not only to pick out a stray fragment of roast beef) . So, get over it. If you can’t, then feel free to drop by the house one evening for dinner.


At 8:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that your perception of human evolution is so linear. You, like the general
population who thinks they know something about human phylogeny, have fallen into the trap of
misconception. First, our ancestors were not chimpanzees or any other modern ape.
Chimpanzees and humans represent two divergent branches of the anthropoid tree that evolved
from a common, less specialized ancestor. Second, human evolution is not a ladder with a series
of steps leading directly from an ancestral anthropoid to Homo sapiens. This is often illustrated as a parade of fossil hominids becoming progressively more modern as they march across the page. If human evolution is a parade, then it is a disorderly one, with many splinter groups
having traveled down dead ends. At times during hominid history, several different human species co-existed. Human phylogeny is more like a multi-branched bush than a ladder, our species being the tip of the only twig that still lives. If the punctuated mode of evolution holds for humans, most change occurred as new hominid species came into existence, not by phyletic change within an unbranched hominid lineage.

If one were to place a dozen or so modern humans (omnivorous, carnivorous, herbivorous...doesn’t matter) in the middle of the wilderness, jungle, or African savanna (I am excluding tribal communities who are adapted to these habitats and reality show casts, puhlease!), I don’t think many, if any, would survive. Intelligence does not put humans at the top of the food ‘chain’ (by the way, it’s a food web...they teach food chains to kindergartners).

As far as your rant about vegetarians is concerned, I choose not to respond since it further relfects your reading way too much science fiction.

At 9:31 PM, Blogger Bert Ford said...

I am amazed someone put this much effort into a comment on my po' li'l blog.
1- Apparently nobody reads Thomas Swift anymore.
2- I didn't say we were descended from chimps. I said they couldn't build pyramids, and I stand firmly behind that.
3- You're using the word phylogeny improperly.
4- You're ugly, and your mother dresses you funny.
5- You left an annonymous comment, the sure sign of a coward who lacks the courage of their convictions.
6- Kiss my meat eatin', gun totin', fully evolved, star pangled ass.
7- Thanks for the comment.
Enjoyed the insight.
Please, come again.

Huggs & kisses -Bert

At 12:57 AM, Blogger Mommy Needs a Xanax said...

jesus christ, anonymous. did you even make it to the part about the "tongue planted firmly in cheek" before you decided to enlighten old Bert here, or were you in an extra big hurry to tell him he has "fallen into the trap of misconception" ???

That's really poorly worded anyway, you pseudo-intellectual Amnesty International motherfucker.

"As far as your rant about vegetarians is concerned, I choose not to respond since it further relfects your reading way too much science fiction"

And by the way, you just did respond, dumbass.


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