Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Ode to an Orwellian

People, you have got to find the humor.
I CAN NOT emphasize this enough.
If you can't find the humor, you will live a sad, bitter, little life, and die a sad, bitter, little death.
'Course if that's your gig ignore the previous.

A one, and a two, and a . . . .

Gonna git me a shotgun ‘n kill all’a commies I seeee.
Gonna git me a shotgun ‘n kill all’a commies I seeee.
Gonna git me a shotgun gi’me sum shells
Blow all’a commies I see to Heeeeeeeeeeeeeellll.
Gonna git me a shotgun & kill all’a commies I see.

I’m thinking; banjo, & washtub-bass accompaniment.


At 9:32 AM, Blogger Redneck Diva said...

I love the Garrett Morris SNL skit where he's gonna kill all the whities. Classic.

At 9:57 AM, Blogger Bert Ford said...

Thank you redneck diva.
I could not remember Garrett Morris' name. It was right on the tip of my tounge.


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