Thank God for Thanksgiving!

Celebrate Thanksgiving! the first great American triumph of capitalism over communism. A lot of people think that the first thanksgiving was celebrated by the Pilgrims to thank the Indians for getting them through the first winter in the new world. Not so!
When the pilgrims arrived in America they had borrowed heavily from European merchants, and they were under a set of rules called the "Mayflower Compact" essentially a commune under which everything produced was put into a central store, of which everyone had an equal share and from which their European debt would be paid.
According to William Bedford, the first governor of the colony, this didn’t work out very well because since they all were supposed to get all they needed from the central store, nobody produced more than the minimum required, and many of them starved, and they went further into debt sending for more supplies. So, finally, Bedford said, "Fuck this noise." (not literally) and assigned each family an area of land to farm themselves. Soon, so much surplus was being produced that the pilgrims invited the Indians to a feast to show their new wealth, to thank God for their prosperity and to establish trading relations with the Indians. The Pilgrim’s trading posts soon became so popular with the Indians that they were able to make excess profits & pay off their debt to the European merchants long before they had planned!
Thank God for his great gift to America CAPITALISM!!!!
Most people are also unaware that the pilgrims had originally intended to set up their colony further south around the Carolinas, but they ran out of beer, and decided to stop at Plymouth because it had large stands of wild barley.
Talk about dying for a beer.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Oh flows over here on Thanksgiving.
Yes, sad story about the Indians, but those were mistakes of people in the past---and now we should focus on being thankful for the wonderful friends and family we have.
Weird how this "Thanksgiving" came about, but ----- one helluva holiday, no? ;)
Great post---you make some great points!
I'm dying for a beer now. *sigh*
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