Help support Renee & Angela

I am making a plea for support for two young ladies, Renee Thomas & Angela Keathley, who were kicked off the Carolina Panthers cheerleading team for having sex in the bathroom of a bar. This is completely reprehensible. What this country needs is more hot chicks munchin' carpet in public restrooms. I don't even know what kind of football these "Panthers" are into, but if they'll put these chicks back on the squad I'll start watchin.
I might even buy a jersey.
Besides they're CHEERLEADERS for the love of christmas!!!
Cheerleaders can do whatever they want.
That's like a rule or something.
It might even be in the bible, or the constitution, or the Magna Carta or something!
And they're LESBIAN cheerleaders!
Most professional football teams would give a first round draght pick's left nut for LESBIAN CHEEERLEADERS!!! (at least they should)
Our founding fathers brought forth this nation in FREEDOM! and that includes the freedom of hot lesbian cheerleaders to rub fur clams wherever and whenever they want.
I don't know if I want to live in a country where hot lesbian cheerleaders can't go bean flickin' in the bathroom.
I don't condone their violent acts, but regular chicks ought to just cross their legs & hold it while the dikes get their didlin' done.
So, please, contact the Carolina Panthers at and let the panthers know that you want them to rehire this brave pair of Americans.
Let's make the country safe for:
Apple Pie
& Hot Lesbian Cheerleaders
God Bless America!!!
LOL email is on its way!
We arent cheerleaders but... i hope it goes for Deb and I too!
I've never heard the term bean flickin' before, hilarious
Chrissie - Just get a uniform, and try a couple of "Herkies"
Rachy - I got the term from a British friend. (and have "bean" using it ever since)
I am with rachy - never heard that term before either. I did however, write about the cheerleaders on my blog as well.
But I never dreamed they needed support. I figured Vivid would hire them on the spot.
Chrissie? Can you follow me to the bathroom please?
Wow---what a fantasy! ha!!!!!!
Okay, no furry carpets here buddy! I like a clean mat... ;)
Now on to a "Serious Side of Deb"........................
REGARDLESS of these HOT HOT HOT lesbians that were fooling around in the bathroom....same rule applies to straight people then. If we are going to make this "okay"-----then I think straight people should have the fun as well----
Right Chrissie and Leesa??? hehe
The best part about this whole 'scenerio' of public sex is the risk of getting caught.
They got caught.
End of story- let it go!
~LOVED this post! {{hugs}}
You're hysterical!
P.S. Gay men do it all the time at rest stops. I think you should give them a peek, Bert... hmm...
Not only did they munch a little rug they did so in a public bathroom (a little gross, I would compare to screwing in Nick's bathroom, something I have never done, cough, cough) but they came out and got into a girl fight afterwards.
chrissie, leesa, ~deb, there is plenty of room in the Nick's restroom for you guys to do a little bean-flickin'.
I meant to put a name to my indecent proposal (see above)
Walley, I see you've attracted a group of the local blogosphere lesbians to your place.
Mission accomplished?
I am NOT a blogosphere
{{hugs--with a little friend in my pocket}}
Since I posted this it's Made the national news (If you count "Fox & Friends" at 6am)
Also, hot lesbian issues aside, they're CHEERLEADERS being a semi-normal heterosexual male I was inculcated from childhood to believe that cheerleaders were a little better than the rest of us that they had more spirit, etc. And, that boning a cheerleader was something that you aspired to, like Mount Everest, the four minute mile, etc.
Lingerie models would count also, or Chrissie or ~Deb.
As for Nick's bathroom, I can barely bring myself to micturate in there. Sex? Ewwwwwwwww (probably I am a sick bastard after all)
One time I printed a $20 bill on adhesive paper & adhered it (with a stick) to the bottom of the urinal in Nick's. A couple of days later it had scratch marks in it from people trying to pick it up.
Chrissie & ~Deb if ya'll ever show up at Nick's I'm peekin'.
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