
I was wrong!
I did some googleing & visited a few lesbian blogs (pure research I assure you).
Apparently, Dildos are illegal in MS, unless prescribed by a doctor or psychiatrist (gotta see ya get that one filled at Rit-Aid).
Who cares? Who has so little to do with their free time, that they would actually try to get such leislation passed? (I say as I sit here blogging about it.)
I'm trying to imagine this session of the legislature.
"Members of the house would you please come to order!"
"Today, we have a bill before us to make it illegal to sell 'lectrical peckers in the fine upstanding state o' Miss'ippi."
"We gots to pervent enybody stickin' ar-ti-fishal rubber tallywhackers up in they yammy!"
"It could mean the end of e-co-nomic prosper'ty in this he'a state."
"When I think that my sainted moth'a could walk into to the Piggly Wiggly and see strap on dildos & butt plugs, & inflatable whatnots hangin' on the wall right next to tha' Clabber Girl Bakin' Powda', It makes me tremble with righteous in-dig-nation!"
This must have been one hell of a finger waggin', wattle shakin' diatribe.
Let me be clear about one thing.
To mis-quote a certain patriot who's name I forgot soon after graduating high school, "I may not agree with the electrical rubber oyster poker you want to buy, but I will defend to the death your right to buy it!"
I am many things.
But, first and formost I am an American.
And, when your average joe wants to go to his local coochie emporium & buy a hand held vibrating, semi-lifelike artificial cooter, or an inflateable "Love Ewe" sex sheep (I actually saw one of those one time) or the Long Dong Silver double-ended twist-O-flexie, he'd damn well better be able to lay down his hard earned American cash & get his hard earned American gash buster, or I don't know what America's all about!
Great Question Bert, but I guess the final question is; Would Wal-Mart stock them?
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