Rant'n rant

It has long been my opinion that every catastrophic event in U.S. history could be traced back to some dumbass liberal, if only you dug deep enough for long enough. But, sometimes the proof just pops up on it’s own.
For instance: the Columbia crash. After years of research and recovery, and billions spent on new technology to fix the problem we find out it was environmental bullshit regulations. The EPA required NASA to replace the foam insulation that had seen them through 112 missions with new “environmentally friendly” foam. Seem the old reliable stuff was manufactured with “CFCs”. Oh, Lordy save us from the CFCs! The new stuff, supposedly, saves us a quart or so of ozone, but it WON’T STICK TO THE SHIP! We nearly lost another shuttle because of this stuff. We should not only go back to the old reliable foam, but we need to find the dumbass, granola crunching, treehugger that came up with this whole scenario, and make with the bludgeoning.
Remember: CFCs are not destroying the ozone layer. Some pseudo-scientist just made that up to get his picture in Time. The globe isn’t warming, tropical oils are just fine, low carb doesn’t work any better than low fat or low cal, the reindeer are better off with the pipeline, OJ was guilty, sharks get cancer just like the rest of us, Elvis is dead (deader’n Dale Earnhart), aliens have never visited earth, taking a tablespoon of vinegar every morning only makes your face sqinch up for a second, there is no sasquatch, there is no monster in Loch Ness (but I did like the Sting song), you can’t wipe your ass with a spotted owl, and more people have died in Ted Kennedy’s car than were ever killed by Red Dye #38!
God bless America.
Thank you & good night.
Hi Bert,
I disagree with one point you have made, and I have a very pissed off and smelly brown Spotted Owl to vouch for me. :-P
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No, PC.
Rubbernecking is a quintessential human trait.
No matter how tragic the event, we need to see.
We are addicted to both excitement & empathy.
They're both survival instincts.
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