Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I'm so pretty

A twenty something teacher in Florida recently got busted for doing the slap & tickle with a fourteen year old boy.
Originally, her defense was insanity.
Her lawyer claimed that she had a mental deficiency or defect that prevented her from understanding that what she was doing was wrong.
Unfortunately, she had already told quite a number of people that the reason she liked having sex with the boy was because she knew it was wrong.
Her attorney (after deciding not to bludgeon her) came up with a novel new defense:
She’s too beautiful to go to jail.
I shit you not.
Her attorney is ACTUALLY asking for a reduced sentence because she’s too pretty.
This begs the question, "How pretty is too pretty to go to jail?"
Is it based on the classic 1 to 10 scale.
Is blondeness a mitigating circumstance?
How about boob size?
Does it have to be a classic pretty like Audrey Hepburn or a quirky pretty like Lucille Ball?
A president here could cause an economic boom in the plastic surgery, comsetics, and weight loss industries.
Then again, we must look at the seriousness of the crime.
We live in a world of double standards.
Some see a beautiful woman having sex with a willing fourteen year old boy, and say, "Where’s the crime?"
But, if an adult male had sex with a fourteen year old girl, We’d all be ready to throw him in a cell with Bubba the four hundred pound horse molester, and take away the vaseline.
But, this is a genuine crime.
This woman, with no regard for anything but her own sexual gratification, callously stripped away this poor boy’s innocence. She wantonly forced . . . . . . .
Yeah, I’m not buyin’ it either.
Way to go kid!


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