I took this personality test off Ann's Blog http://similarminds.com/leader.html the result was
now I can't decide wheather to save the world or destroy the world.
I'll probably just flip a coin.
I took this personality test off Ann's Blog http://similarminds.com/leader.html the result was
Last night I went to a party.
Some stories to waste some of your valuable time on:
I was dozing in bed this morning when I heard a commercial. I wasn't paying attention, It was about buying plane tickets or planning a vacation or something.
I couldn't get this link to work right ,so
The movie "Red Dawn" is on tonight.
The most requested reading material by prisoners at Guantanimo Bay are the Harry Potter books.
The closest grocery store to my house is the Big Star. I went Saturday to get some AAA batteries for the remote control, and to stock up on comestibles & such. Outside, there’s a guy who always asks for money. I never give him any, but it doesn’t seem to put him off. He’s always out there. I noticed that he has a cell phone. I understand that if he is homeless he may not have a home phone, but if he can afford a cell phone, why can’t he afford food? It wasn’t even a cheap phone. It was the kind with a TV screen that’s the size of a saltine.
Happy carpentering!
The media has gotten a hold of information that Judge John Roberts did some pro-bono work for some homosexuals.