Checking in
Sorry, I haven't posted in a while.
I took on several new projects, then I got sick.
I'll be posting again as soon as I can get a few of my extra irons out of the fire.
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Sorry, I haven't posted in a while.
I just heard that the movie that has the most nominations for Golden Globe awards is a flick called "Broke Back Mountain". How it got all these nominations I don’t know, because I can’t find anybody who’s seen it. Doesn’t that count for anything? I mean for a movie to get bunches of awards shouldn’t it be a movie that lots of people have gone to see? A lot more people went to see Mel Gibson’s Jesus movie than are ever going to hear about "Broke Back Mountain", but did Mel get any positive recognition from Hollywood? Nope. Of course, Mel can sit back on the half BILLION dollars he made off his movie & tell Hollywood to bite him.
Over the weekend a friend of mine told me of a new cosmetic fad sweeping the nation. The treatment was so incredibly asinine that I thought I was being lied to. I thought it had to be made up. No one would ever do something a stupid as having their asshole bleached. But, I did a Google search on it and, sure enough, people are getting it done! WHY!!?? How many people are really ever going to see your butthole? And, of those people, how many are going to care if your poopshute is too dark? I have long been fascinated by the stupidity of the population at large, but this takes it 100%. Even after visiting several sites advertising it (some with before & after pictures) and finding out that it is actually available in my local area, I still have difficulty believing it. My mind boggles. If any one has any insight into the thought process that would bring someone to do this PLEASE comment here.
One Sunday morning, maybe twelve or fifteen years ago I woke up on the couch in a friend’s living room. The TV was still on. There were beer bottles, and other detritus from the previous night’s party strewn around. I got the trash can from the kitchen, and made a half hearted attempt at straightening up. No one else was awake yet.
The reason people shouldn’t put their head in a Hewlet Packard scanjet 5470c.
Just a not to inform y'all that I finally updated Bert's free horoscope.